Thursday, May 20, 2010

Update.. I guess

Oh, wow.. someone's actually following my blog. i'm glad I'm not talking to the air anymore lol. We finally got some good weather in the Chi & I'm loving it!! I'm a Summer Baby(June), so I LOVE when my season comes around.

I started my WGCI internship & I can tell that its gonna be a good-ass summer.. #TeamDale!!!

Um, I'm liking the direction I'm goin in wit my new "boo". She's what I'm looking for, so cross your fingers that it works out for ya boy!!! I will express my feelings on the whole "LeBron to Chicago" situation next time, til then...

The Funny

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer, Summer, Summertime....

Well its mid-May here in Chicago and its 40-FUCKING-DEGREES!!!! I mean, what the hell is goin on?! Who told Winter to come back.... its cold, rainy, windy. I swear I hate Chicago weather...

Ok, I'm glad I got that off my chest. In other news, I am officially #TeamDALE!! I got the summer intership @ WGCI wit UB Rodriguez!! I'm extra excited about that. Um, I got a new "boo", Shhhhhhh, dont tell nobody. But we just talking so we'll see how that goes.

I went and saw Iron Man 2 this past weekend & that shit was just awesome!!! Good script, good effects, good movie. My bro Raynard (who is the biggest Iron Man fan, dont ask me why), was sitting on the edge of his seat the whole time. he almost saw on the floor, Indian-Style in front of the screen LOL.

I'm done for now,

The Funny

Monday, May 3, 2010

Death to Skinny Jeans!!!

Skinny jeans are the worst invention ever!! I'm not hating because I'm fat, so u can get that thought out yo mind! I just think the shit is stupid cuz niggas be walking around here looking like a set if fucking Christmas lights! My bro Ray called me and asked me about some Black Levi Skinnys.. & I told that muhfucka to dont even think about it.. I will set fire to yo ass like they did Freddy Krueger! To me, skinny jeans are like the gayest shit u could possibly wear. I mean, females wear tight jeans to show off their "ASSets", but can anyone explain why dudes where those Nut-hugging ass pants??? Every since the New Boyz popped up, damn near every black kid in america started rocking these jeans and bright ass colors: Teal, Magenta, Bright Purple... I mean DAMN!!! I cant talk about this no more cuz its pissin me off... but before I go, I will say this... U CANT BE A THUG & ROCK SKINNY JEANS!!!!

That is all,
The Funny

Saturday, May 1, 2010


What the dealio...

I went to see "A Nightmare On Elm Street" last night & I must say, it was wayyyyyy better than I expected. I thought it would be ok, but it ended up being great!! The storyline was just off the chain. I never wouldve expected the story to be that good. Jackie Earle did an excellent job as the new Freddy Krueger, he was serious but he had a bitter/asshole attitude.. Two Thumbs up!!! I gotta go, time for work..

THe Funny